PC Installer Script

Installation steps

  1. Setup Github Account

  2. Download and Install Git

  3. Download and Install Anaconda3

  4. Download and Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio

  5. Download and Run installer

  6. Setup Environment

  7. Setup Plugins

  8. Setup Preferences

Setup Github Account

  1. Go to github.com and create an account

  2. Setup a Personal Access Token
    1. Sign in to your account

    2. Go to your Settings github.com/settings/profile

    3. Go to “Developer settings” github.com/settings/apps

    4. Go to “Personal access tokens” github.com/settings/tokens

    5. Generate new token, make sure “repo” is selected in “Select scopes”

    6. Copy the token for use when Setup Preferences

Download and Install Git


Download and Install Anaconda3


Download and Install Microsoft Build Tools 2015 Update 3


Download and Run installer

use Powershell.exe or equivalent

$ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NMGRL/pychron/develop/app_utils/install.py' -OutFile
$ cd /path/to/install.py
$ python install.py


Currently on a PC not all the dependencies are automatically installed. You will need to do the following before proceeding.

  1. Open Anaconda Bash and activate the pychron environment

$ conda activate pychron3
  1. Install the PIP dependencies

$ pip install uncertainties peakutils qimage2ndarray chaco

Setup Environment

Launch Pychron and select your Pychron environment directory, typically /Users/<username>/Pychron or /Users/<username>/Pychron3

Setup Plugins

The following plugins are the minimum requirements for data reduction. Additional plugins may be necessary or desired for enhanced functionality. Enabled/Disable Plugins by manually editing the initialization.xml file or MenuBar/Help/Edit Initialization

  • DVC

  • GitHub

  • Pipeline

  • ArArConstants

Setup Preferences

Launch Pychron and go to Pychron/Preferences

  1. Go to Preferences/GitHub and enter in the Personal access token generated in Setup Github Account

  2. Go to Preferences/DVC and setup a database connection