
Pychron/Pychron Communication

| PychronLaserManager |
|         |           |
|    communicator     |
|         |           |        |=====================================================|
|         v           |        ||=RemoteHardwareManager=|                            |
|        ask ---------|--LAN-->|| RemoteHardwareServer  |                            |
|         ^-----------|--------||       ^   |           |                            |
|=====================|        ||       |   v           |                            |
                               ||      handler          |                            |
                               ||       ^   |           |                            |
                               ||       |   v           |        |=PyLaser/PyValve==||
                               ||   CommandRepeater ----|--IPC-->| CommandProcessor ||
                               ||       ^---------------|--------|     ^   |        ||
                               ||=======================|        |     |   v        ||
                               |                                 |    handler       ||
                               |                                 |     ^   |        ||
                               |                                 |     |   v        ||
                               |                                 |    Manager       ||
                               |                                 |==================||
                               |                                                     |

Pychron/Qtegra Communications

| ArgusSpectrometer   |
|         |           |
|   microcontroller   |
|         |           |
|    communicator     |
|         |           |
|         v           |        |=======Qtegra=========|
|        ask ---------|--LAN-->| RemoteControlServer  |
|         ^-----------|--------|       ^   |          |
|=====================|        |       |   v          |
                               |   ParseAndExecute    |


RemoteCommandServer is a top level object that doesnt do much. TCPServer is a subclass of SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer TCPServer doesnt do much either. MessagingHandler is where the real work happens.

The TCPServer listens for incoming commands and creates a new MessageHandler object for each request ie command and calls its handle function

The handler object gets the data from the socket, processes it, and returns the result

To process requests the command is repeated using the CommandRepeater to the CommandProcessor living in Pychron

The CommandRepeater prepends a process_type string to the beginning of the request so the RemoteHardwareManager knows how to handle the request. The process_type and data are separated by a pipe character ex. ‘System|Open V’

CommandProcessor is a simple socket server, (NOTE: isnt a subclass of a SocketServer, uses a listener thread to wait for requests from CommandRepeater)

When CommandProcessor receives a request its passed to RemoteHardwareManager.process_server_request


TCPServer –> MessagingHandler.handle –> CommandRepeater.get_response –>


CommandProcessor._handler –> RemoteHardwareManager.process_server_request –>

[Request_type]Handler.handle –> result

return result up the call stack