Plugins ------- Plugins are enabled/disabled in the ``setupfiles/initialization.xml`` file. List of Plugins ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **General** * **Experiment** - Execute sets of automated runs. * **MassSpec** - Mass Spec plugin. * **PyScript** - Edit PyScripts; pychron's internal scripting language. * **ArArConstants** - List of Ar/Ar geochronology constants. * **Database** - SQL database interface. * **Loading** - Laser tray loading plugin. * **Pipeline** - Pychron's pipeline based processing workflow * **Entry** - Enter/Edit irradiation data. * **Workspace** - Git-enabled workspace repository. * **DVC** - Pychron's custom Data Version Control system. * **GitLab** - Private git repository hosting. * **GitHub** - Public git repository hosting at * **MediaServer** - Image server/client. * **LabBook** - Git-enabled labbook repository. * **Video** - Video server/client. * **DashboardServer** - Publish various laboratory values. * **DashboardClient** - Listen to the Dashboard server. * **LabspyClient** - Labspy client. push updates to the labspy database. * **Update** - Update plugin. * **Image** - Use to take snapshots with a connected camera and save to file or database. * **IGSN** - International Geo Sample Number. * **Geochron** - Upload analyses to * **Hardware** * **ExtractionLine** - Control extraction line components. * **ClientExtractionLine** - Remotely control extraction line components. * **ArgusSpectrometer** - Thermo ArgusVI plugin. * **HelixSpectrometer** - Thermo Helix plugin. * **NGXSpectrometer** - Isotopx NGX plugin. * **NMGRLFurnace** - NMGRL's resistance furnace plugin. * **ChromiumCO2** - Photon Machines Fusions CO2 control via "Chromium" * **FusionsCO2** - Photon Machines Fusions CO2. * **FusionsDiode** - Photon Machines Fusions Diode. * **FusionsUV** - NMGRL's custom Fusions UV. * **ExternalPipette** - Interface with the APIS pipette system. * **CanvasDesigner** - Visual editor for the Extraction Line Schematic. * **Social** * **Email** - Allows pychron to send emails Example Data Processing Initialization File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: xml Database Processing ArArConstants Entry SystemMonitor Example Experiment Initialization File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: xml Database Experiment Processing PyScript ArArConstants Entry DashboardServer Spectrometer spectrometer_microcontroller ArgusController ExtractionLine /tmp/hardware-extractionline gauge_manager bone_micro_ion_controller MicroIonController microbone_micro_ion_controller MicroIonController false valve_manager valve_controller air_transducer Transducer Example Laser Initialization File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: xml Database Experiment Processing PyScript ArArConstants Entry SystemMonitor DashboardServer Spectrometer spectrometer_microcontroller ArgusController ExtractionLine /tmp/hardware-extractionline gauge_manager bone_micro_ion_controller MicroIonController microbone_micro_ion_controller MicroIonController false valve_manager valve_controller air_transducer Transducer Email Twitter