Script ======================= Access the pipelines state using `state` e.g. .. code-block:: python unknown_analyses = state.unknowns for convenience the unknowns are exposed directly via `unknowns` .. code-block:: python #the follow are equivalent ans = state.unknowns ans = unknowns Available attributes for analyses .. code-block:: # the first analysis in the list analysis = unknowns[0] # a dictionary of `Isotope` objects isotopes = analysis.isotopes age = analysis.age # age as a `ufloat` object uage = analysis.uage from uncertainties import nominal_value, std_dev age = nominal_value(uage) age_err = std_dev(uage) # or age = analysis.age age_w_j_err = analysis.age_err # see ArArAge for comprehensive view of the Analysis object Analysis Attributes ---------------------------- ========================= ====== ================= Attribute Type Description ========================= ====== ================= kca ufloat K/Ca cak ufloat Ca/K kcl ufloat K/Cl clk ufloat Cl/K radiogenic_yield ufloat %40Ar* rad40 ufloat 40Ar* total40 ufloat k39 ufloat uF ufloat F float F_err float F_err_wo_irrad float uage ufloat uage_w_j_err ufloat uage_w_position_err ufloat age float age_err float age_err_wo_j float age_err_wo_irrad float age_err_wo_j_irrad float ar39decayfactor float ar37decayfactor float isotopes dict Dictionary of isotopes isochron3940 ufloat isochron3640 ufloat lambda_k ufloat irradiation_label decay_days moles_k39 ========================= ====== ================= Analysis Methods ====================================== ================== ============= ================= Method Arguments Return Description ====================================== ================== ============= ================= get_interference_corrected_value str ufloat get_corrected_ratio str, str ufloat get_value str ufloat ====================================== ================== ============= ================= .. code-block:: python get_interference_corrected_value('Ar40') get_corrected_ratio('Ar38', 'Ar36') # returns Ar38/Ar36 ratio get_value('age') # helper function for getting commonly accessed values Isotope Attributes -------------------------- ========================= ========= ================= Attribute Type Description ========================= ========= ================= name str Name of the isotope e.g. Ar40 detector str Name of detector used to measure isotope e.g. H1 n int Total number of data points collected. e.g. len(xs) fn int Total number of data points collected. e.g. len(xs) offset_xs array xs array ys array fit str value float error float uvalue ufloat baseline Isotope blank Isotope ========================= ========= ================= Isotope Methods ------------------------ ====================================== ============= ================= Method Return Description ====================================== ============= ================= get_baseline_corrected_value ufloat get_ic_decay_corrected_value ufloat get_decay_corrected_value ufloat get_interference_corrected_value ufloat get_disc_corrected_value ufloat get_ic_corrected_value ufloat get_non_detector_corrected_value ufloat ====================================== ============= ================= Plotting Examples --------------------------------- Plot with error bars ++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from uncertainties import nominal_value, std_dev def main(): ns = [a.get_value('Ar40/Ar38') for a in unknowns] ds = [a.get_value('Ar40/Ar36') for a in unknowns] xs = [nominal_value(di) for di in ds] ys = [nominal_value(ni) for ni in ns] xerrs = [std_dev(di) for di in ds] yerrs = [std_dev(ni) for ni in ns] plt.ylabel('Ar40/Ar36') plt.xlabel('Ar40/Ar38') plt.errorbar(xs, ys, xerr=xerrs, yerr=yerrs, fmt='bo') Simple scatter plot ++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from uncertainties import nominal_value, std_dev def main(): ns = [a.get_value('Ar40/Ar38') for a in unknowns] ds = [a.get_value('Ar40/Ar36') for a in unknowns] xs = [nominal_value(di) for di in ds] ys = [nominal_value(ni) for ni in ns] plt.ylabel('Ar40/Ar36') plt.xlabel('Ar40/Ar38') plt.plot(xs, ys, 'bo')