Source code for pychron.spectrometer.isotopx.spectrometer.ngx

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# Copyright 2017 ross
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import time
from datetime import datetime

from traits.api import List

from pychron.hardware.isotopx_spectrometer_controller import NGXController
from pychron.pychron_constants import (
from pychron.spectrometer.base_spectrometer import BaseSpectrometer
from pychron.spectrometer.isotopx import SOURCE_CONTROL_PARAMETERS, IsotopxMixin
from pychron.spectrometer.isotopx.detector.ngx import NGXDetector
from pychron.spectrometer.isotopx.magnet.ngx import NGXMagnet
from pychron.spectrometer.isotopx.source.ngx import NGXSource
from pychron.core.codetools.inspection import caller

[docs]class NGXSpectrometer(BaseSpectrometer, IsotopxMixin): # integration_time = Int integration_times = List(ISOTOPX_INTEGRATION_TIMES) magnet_klass = NGXMagnet detector_klass = NGXDetector source_klass = NGXSource microcontroller_klass = NGXController rcs_id = "NOM" # username = Str('') # password = Str('') _test_connect_command = "GETMASS" _read_enabled = True use_deflection_correction = False use_hv_correction = False _triggered = False def _microcontroller_default(self): service = "pychron.hardware.isotopx_spectrometer_controller.NGXController" s = self.application.get_service(service) return s def make_configuration_dict(self): return {} def make_gains_dict(self): return {} def make_deflection_dict(self): return {} def convert_to_axial(self, det, v): print("asdfsadf", det, det.index, v) v = v - (det.index - 2) return v def start(self): self.set_integration_time(1, force=True)
[docs] def finish_loading(self): super(NGXSpectrometer, self).finish_loading() config = self._get_cached_config() if config is not None: magnet = config["magnet"] # specparams, defl, trap, magnet = ret mftable_name = magnet.get("mftable") if mftable_name: self.debug("updating mftable name {}".format(mftable_name)) self.magnet.field_table.path = mftable_name self.magnet.field_table.load_table(load_items=True)
def _send_configuration(self, **kw): pass def _check_intensity_no_change(self, signals): return
[docs] def get_update_period(self, it=None, is_scan=False): """ acquisition period is always set to 1s so update period always needs to be <1s """ if is_scan: return 0.1 return 0.95
# return self.integration_time * 0.95 def trigger_acq(self, verbose=True): # self.debug('trigger acquie {}'.format(self.microcontroller.lock)) # locking the microcontroller not necessary and detrimental when doing long integration times # other commands can be executed when waiting 10-20 sec integration period. # locking prevents those other command from happening. locking only ok when integration time < 5 seconds # probably (min time probably has to do with the update valve state frequency). # Disable locking complete for now # another trick could be to make it an rlock. if lock is acquired by reading data then valve commands ok. # but not vis versa. # while self.microcontroller.lock.locked(): # time.sleep(0.25) if not self.microcontroller.triggered: self.ask("StopAcq", verbose=verbose) self.microcontroller.triggered = True # return self.ask('StartAcq 1,{}'.format(self.rcs_id), verbose=verbose) return self.ask( "StartAcq {},{}".format(int(self.integration_time), self.rcs_id) ) return True def readline(self, verbose=False): if verbose: self.debug("readline") st = time.time() ds = "" while 1: if time.time() - st > 3: # (1.25 * self.integration_time): if verbose: self.debug("readline timeout. raw={}".format(ds)) return if not self._read_enabled or self.microcontroller.canceled: self.microcontroller.canceled = False self.debug("readline canceled") return try: ds += except BaseException: if not self.microcontroller.canceled: self.debug_exception() self.debug(f"data left: {ds}") if "#\r\n" in ds: ds = ds.split("#\r\n")[0] return ds def cancel(self): self.debug("canceling") self._read_enabled = False def read_intensities( self, timeout=60, trigger=False, target="ACQ.B", verbose=False ): # self.microcontroller.lock.acquire() # verbose=True self._read_enabled = True verbose = True if verbose: self.debug( "read intensities trigger={} triggered={}".format( trigger, self.microcontroller.triggered ) ) resp = True if trigger: resp = self.trigger_acq() # self.microcontroller.lock.release() if resp is not None: # if verbose: # self.debug(f'waiting {self.integration_time * 0.95} before trying to get data') # time.sleep(self.integration_time * 0.95) time.sleep(0.95) # if verbose: # self.debug('trigger wait finished') keys = [] signals = [] collection_time = None inc = False # self.debug(f'acquired mcir lock {self.microcontroller.lock}') targetb = "#EVENT:ACQ.B,{}".format(self.rcs_id) targeta = "#EVENT:ACQ,{}".format(self.rcs_id) if resp is not None: keys = self.detector_names[::-1] while self._read_enabled: with self.microcontroller.lock: line = self.readline(verbose=True) if verbose: self.debug("raw: {}".format(line)) if line is None: break if line and (line.startswith(targeta) or line.startswith(targetb)): try: args = line.split(",") ct = datetime.strptime(args[4], "%H:%M:%S.%f") collection_time = # copy to collection time collection_time.replace( hour=ct.hour, minute=ct.minute, second=ct.second, microsecond=ct.microsecond, ) signals = [float(i.strip()) for i in args[5:]] if line.startswith(targeta): nsignals, keys = [], [] for i, di in enumerate(self.detectors[::-1]): if di.kind == "CDD": nsignals.append(signals[i]) keys.append( signals = nsignals break elif line.startswith(targetb): self.microcontroller.triggered = False inc = True break except BaseException as e: self.debug("read intensities errror={}".format(e)) # self.microcontroller.lock.release() if len(signals) != len(keys): keys, signals = [], [] if verbose: self.debug("collection time: {}".format(collection_time)) self.debug("keys: {}".format(keys)) self.debug("signals: {}".format(signals)) return keys, signals, collection_time, inc def read_integration_time(self): return self.integration_time
[docs] def set_integration_time(self, it, force=False): """ :param it: float, integration time in seconds :param force: set integration even if "it" is not different than self.integration_time :return: float, integration time """ self.debug( "acquisition period set to 1 second. integration time set to {}".format(it) ) self.ask("StopAcq") self.ask("SetAcqPeriod 1000") self._read_enabled = False self.microcontroller.triggered = False self.integration_time = it # if self.integration_time != it or force: # self.ask('StopAcq') # self.debug('setting integration time = {}'.format(it)) # # self.ask('SetAcqPeriod {}'.format(int(it * 1000))) # self.trait_setq(integration_time=it) return it
def read_parameter_word(self, keys): self.debug("read parameter word. keys={}".format(keys)) values = [] for kk in keys: try: key = SOURCE_CONTROL_PARAMETERS[kk] except KeyError: values.append(NULL_STR) continue resp = self.ask("GetSourceOutput {}".format(key)) if resp is not None: try: last_set, readback = resp.split(",") values.append(float(readback)) except ValueError: values.append(NULL_STR) return values def _get_simulation_data(self): signals = [1, 100, 3, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01] # + random(6) keys = ["H2", "H1", "AX", "L1", "L2", "CDD"] return keys, signals, None def _integration_time_default(self): self.default_integration_time = ISOTOPX_DEFAULT_INTEGRATION_TIME return ISOTOPX_DEFAULT_INTEGRATION_TIME
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