Source code for pychron.experiment.conditional.conditional

# ===============================================================================
# Copyright 2012 Jake Ross
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
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# ============= enthought library imports =======================

import os
import pprint

from traits.api import Str, Either, Int, Callable, Bool, Float, Enum, List

# ============= standard library imports ========================
from traits.trait_types import BaseStr
from uncertainties import nominal_value, std_dev

# ============= local library imports  ==========================
from pychron.core.helpers.strtools import ps
from pychron.core.yaml import yload
from pychron.experiment.conditional.regexes import (
from pychron.experiment.conditional.utilities import (
from pychron.experiment.utilities.conditionals import RUN, QUEUE, SYSTEM
from pychron.loggable import Loggable
from pychron.paths import paths
from pychron.pychron_constants import (

def dictgetter(d, attrs, default=None):
    if not isinstance(attrs, tuple):
        attrs = (attrs,)

    for ai in attrs:
            return d[ai]
        except KeyError:
        return default

def conditionals_from_file(p, name=None, level=SYSTEM, **kw):
    yd = yload(p)
    cs = (
        (ACTION, ps(ACTION)),
        (ACTION, ps(POST_RUN_ACTION)),

    conddict = {}
    for klass, tag in cs:
        klass = "{}Conditional".format(klass.capitalize())
        if name and tag != name:

        yl = yd.get(tag)
        if not yl:

        # print 'yyyy', yl
        # var = getattr(self, '{}_conditionals'.format(var))
        conds = [
            conditional_from_dict(ti, klass, level=level, location=p, **kw) for ti in yl
        # print 'ffff', conds
        conds = [c for c in conds if c is not None]
        if conds:
            conddict[tag] = conds

            # var.extend(conds)

    if name:
            conddict = conddict[name]
        except KeyError:
            conddict = None

    return conddict

def conditional_from_dict(cd, klass, level=None, location=None, **kw):
    if isinstance(klass, str):
        klass = globals()[klass]

    # try:
    # teststr = cd['teststr']
    # except KeyError:
    # #for pre 2.0.5 conditionals files
    # teststr = cd.get('check')
    # if not teststr:
    # return

    # attr = cd.get('attr')
    # if not attr:
    # return
    teststr = dictgetter(cd, ("teststr", "comp", "check"))
    if not teststr:

    # start = dictgetter(cd, ('start', 'start_count'), default=50)
    # freq = cd.get('frequency', 1)
    # win = cd.get('window', 0)
    # mapper = cd.get('mapper', '')
    # ntrips = cd.get('ntrips', 1)
    # analysis_types = cd.get('analysis_types')
    # if analysis_types:
    #     analysis_types = [a.lower() for a in analysis_types]
    # attr = extract_attr(teststr)
    # cx = klass(teststr, start_count=start, frequency=freq,
    #            attr=attr,
    #            window=win, mapper=mapper, action=action,
    #            ntrips=ntrips, analysis_types=analysis_types,
    #            **kw)
    cx = klass(teststr)
    cx.from_dict(teststr, cd, kw)

    if level:
        cx.level = level
    if location:
        if os.path.isfile(location):
            location = os.path.relpath(location, paths.root_dir)

        cx.location = location

    return cx

[docs]class BaseConditional(Loggable): attr = Str teststr = Str start_count = Int level = Enum(None, SYSTEM, QUEUE, RUN) tripped = Bool location = Str def from_dict(self, teststr, cd, kw): start = dictgetter(cd, ("start", "start_count"), default=50) freq = cd.get("frequency", 1) win = cd.get("window", 0) mapper = cd.get("mapper", "") ntrips = cd.get("ntrips", 1) analysis_types = cd.get("analysis_types", []) if analysis_types: analysis_types = [a.lower().replace(" ", "_") for a in analysis_types] else: analysis_types = [] attr = extract_attr(teststr) self.trait_set( start_count=start, frequency=freq, attr=attr, window=win, mapper=mapper, ntrips=ntrips, analysis_types=analysis_types, **kw ) self._from_dict_hook(cd) def _from_dict_hook(self, cd): pass def to_string(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def check(self, run, data, cnt): """ check conditional if cnt is greater than start count cnt-start count is greater than 0 and cnt-start count is divisable by frequency returns True if check passes. e.i. Write checks to trip on success. To terminate if Ar36 intensity is less than x use Ar36<x :param run: ``AutomatedRun`` :param data: 2-tuple. (keys, signals) where keys==detector names, signals== measured intensities :param cnt: int :return: True if check passes. e.i. Write checks to trip on success. """ if self._should_check(run, data, cnt): return self._check(run, data, cnt)
def _check(self, run, data, cnt): raise NotImplementedError def _should_check(self, run, data, cnt): return True def __repr__(self): return self.to_string()
[docs]class AutomatedRunConditional(BaseConditional): frequency = Int message = Str # used to specify a window (in counts) of data to average, etc. window = Int mapper = Str analysis_types = List _mapper_key = "" active = True value = Float ntrips = Int(1) trips = 0 _teststr = None _ctx = None value_context = None # def __init__(self, attr, teststr, # start_count=0, # frequency=1, # *args, **kw): _analysis_types_logged = False def __init__(self, teststr, start_count=0, frequency=1, *args, **kw): = True # self.attr = attr self.teststr = teststr self.start_count = start_count self.frequency = frequency super(AutomatedRunConditional, self).__init__(*args, **kw) def to_string(self): s = "{} {}".format(self.teststr, self.message) return s def to_dict(self): d = self._attr_dict() d["hash_id"] = self._hash_id(d) return d def _hash_id(self, d=None): if d is None: d = self._attr_dict() return hash(frozenset(list(d.items()))) def _attr_dict(self): return { "teststr": self.teststr, "start_count": self.start_count, "frequency": self.frequency, "ntrips": self.ntrips, "level": self.level, "analysis_types": tuple(self.analysis_types), "location": self.location, } def result_dict(self): hash_id = self._hash_id() return { "teststr": self._teststr, "context": self.value_context, "hash_id": hash_id, } def _should_check(self, run, data, cnt): if if self.analysis_types: # check if checking should be done on this run based on analysis_type atype = run.spec.analysis_type.lower() if not self._analysis_types_logged: self.debug( "analysis_type={}, target_types={}".format( atype, self.analysis_types ) ) self._analysis_types_logged = True should = False for target_type in self.analysis_types: if target_type.lower() == "blank": if atype.startswith("blank"): should = True break if not should: return if atype not in self.analysis_types: return if isinstance(cnt, bool): return cnt else: ocnt = cnt - self.start_count b = ocnt > 0 c = ocnt % self.frequency == 0 cnt_flag = b and c return cnt_flag def _check(self, run, data, cnt, verbose=False): """ make a teststr and context from the run and data evaluate the teststr with the context """ teststr, ctx = self._make_context(run, data) self._teststr, self._ctx = teststr, ctx self.value_context = vc = pprint.pformat(ctx, width=1) self.debug("Count: {} testing {}".format(cnt, teststr)) if verbose: self.debug( "attribute context {}".format( pprint.pformat(self._attr_dict(), width=1) ) ) msg = 'evaluate ot="{}" t="{}", ctx="{}"'.format(self.teststr, teststr, vc) self.debug(msg) if teststr and ctx: if eval(teststr, ctx): self.trips += 1 self.debug( "condition {} is true trips={}/{}".format( teststr, self.trips, self.ntrips ) ) if self.trips >= self.ntrips: self.tripped = True self.message = "condition {} is True".format(teststr) self.trips = 0 return True else: self.trips = 0 def _make_context(self, obj, data): teststr = self.teststr ctx = {} tt = [] for ti, oper in tokenize(teststr): ts, attr, func = get_teststr_attr_func(ti) attr = attr.replace("(", "_").replace(")", "_") ts = ts.replace("(", "_").replace(")", "_") v = func(obj, data, self.window) if v is not None: vv = std_dev(v) if STD_REGEX.match(teststr) else nominal_value(v) vv = self._map_value(vv) ctx[attr] = vv ts = self._interpolate_teststr(ts, obj, data) tt.append(ts) if oper: tt.append(oper) return " ".join(tt), ctx def _map_value(self, vv): if self.mapper: m = if m: key = vv = eval(self.mapper, {key: vv}) return vv def _interpolate_teststr(self, ts, obj, data): nts = ts for temp in INTERPOLATE_REGEX.finditer(ts): temp = new = obj.get_interpolated_value(temp) nts = nts.replace(temp, str(new)) return nts
[docs]class TruncationConditional(AutomatedRunConditional): """ stops the current measurement and continues to next step in pyscript. If more measure calls are main use abbreviated_count_ratio to reduce the number of counts. for example of abbreviated_count_ratio = 0.5 and the original baseline counts = 100, only 50 counts will be made for a truncated run. """ abbreviated_count_ratio = 1.0 def _from_dict_hook(self, cd): for tag in ("abbreviated_count_ratio",): if tag in cd: setattr(self, tag, cd[tag])
class EquilibrationConditional(TruncationConditional): pass
[docs]class TerminationConditional(AutomatedRunConditional): """ Stop the current analysis immediately. Don't save to database. Continue to next run in experiment queue """
[docs]class CancelationConditional(AutomatedRunConditional): """ Stop the current analysis immediately then stop the experiment. """
[docs]class ActionConditional(AutomatedRunConditional): """ Executes a specified action. The action string is executed as pyscript snippet. actions therefore may be any valid measuremnt pyscript code. for example:: # call a gosub gosub("someGoSub") # open a valve open("V") """ action = Either(Str, Callable) resume = Bool # resume==True the script continues execution else break out of measure_iteration def _from_dict_hook(self, cd): for tag in ("action", "resume"): if tag in cd: setattr(self, tag, cd[tag])
[docs] def perform(self, script): """ perform the specified action. use ``MeasurementPyScript.execute_snippet`` to perform desired action :param script: MeasurementPyScript """ action = self.action if isinstance(action, str): try: script.execute_snippet(action) except BaseException: self.warning('Invalid action: "{}"'.format(action)) elif hasattr(action, "__call__"): action()
MODIFICATION_ACTIONS = ( "Skip Next Run", "Skip N Runs", "Skip Aliquot", "Skip to Last in Aliquot", "Set Extract", "Repeat Run", ) class ExtractionStr(BaseStr): def validate(self, obj, name, value): if value == "": return value for r in (EXTRACTION_STR_ABS_REGEX, EXTRACTION_STR_PERCENT_REGEX): if r.match(value): return value else: self.error(obj, name, value) def get_extraction_steps(s): use_percent = bool(EXTRACTION_STR_PERCENT_REGEX.match(s)) def gen(): for si in s.split(","): si = si.strip() if si.endswith("%"): si = si[:-1] yield float(si) raise StopIteration return gen, use_percent class QueueModificationConditional(AutomatedRunConditional): """ use to modify the queue. for example if blank to large run another blank. """ use_truncation = Bool use_termination = Bool nskip = Int action = Enum(MODIFICATION_ACTIONS) extraction_str = ExtractionStr def do_modifications(self, current_run, executor, queue): runs = queue.cleaned_automated_runs func = getattr(self, self.action.lower().replace(" ", "_")) if func(queue, runs, current_run): executor.queue_modified = True queue.refresh_table_needed = True def _from_dict_hook(self, cd): for tag in ("action", "nskip", "use_truncation", "use_termination"): if tag in cd: setattr(self, tag, cd[tag]) def _repeat_run(self, queue, runs, current_run): spec = current_run.spec.tocopy() queue.automated_runs.insert(spec, 0) return True def _skip_n_runs(self, queue, runs, current_run, n=None): if n is None: n = self.nskip for i in range(n): r = runs[i] r.skip = True def _skip_next_run(self, queue, runs, current_run): self._skip_n_runs(runs, current_run, 1) def _skip_aliquot(self, queue, runs, current_run): identifier = current_run.spec.identifier aliquot = current_run.spec.aliquot for r in runs: if r.is_special(): continue if r.identifier == identifier and r.aliquot == aliquot: r.skip = True def _skip_to_last_in_aliquot(self, queue, runs, current_run): identifier = current_run.spec.identifier for i, r in enumerate(runs): if r.is_special(): continue try: nrun = runs[i + 1] if nrun.identifier != identifier: break else: r.skip = True except IndexError: pass def _set_extract(self, queue, runs, current_run): es = self.extraction_str identifier = current_run.spec.identifier aliquot = current_run.spec.aliquot steps_gen, use_percent = get_extraction_steps(es) for r in runs: if r.is_special(): continue if r.identifier != identifier or r.aliquot != aliquot: break try: nstep = next(steps_gen) if use_percent: r.extract_value *= 1 + nstep / 100.0 else: r.extract_value += nstep except StopIteration: break # ============= EOF ============================================= # attr = extract_attr(token) # tkey = attr # def default_wrapper(teststr, found): # teststr = '{}{}'.format(tkey, remove_attr(teststr)) # return teststr, tkey # # def between_wrapper(teststr, func, between): # v = None # args =[1:-1].split(',') # key = args[0] # if '.' in key: # key = key.split('.')[0].strip() # v = 0 # # v = self.get_modified_value(arun, key, key) # # v1, v2 = args[1:] # nc = '{}<={}<={}'.format(v1, key, v2) # # teststr = teststr.replace(between, nc) # if between.startswith('not '): # teststr = 'not {}'.format(teststr) # # if v is None: # v = func() # return v, teststr, key # # def ratio_wrapper(teststr, func, ratio): # v = obj.get_value(ratio) # key = 'ratio{}'.format(ratio.replace('/', '')) # teststr = '{}{}'.format(key, remove_attr(teststr)) # return v, teststr, key # for aa in ((CP_REGEX, lambda obj, data, window: obj.arar_age.get_current_intensity(attr)), # (BASELINECOR_REGEX, lambda obj, data, window: obj.garar_age.et_baseline_corrected_value(attr)), # (BASELINE_REGEX, lambda obj, data, window: obj.arar_age.get_baseline_value(attr)), # (ACTIVE_REGEX, lambda obj, data, window: not attr in data[0]), # (AVG_REGEX, lambda obj, data, window: obj.arar_age.get_values(attr, window or -1).mean()), # (MAX_REGEX, lambda obj, data, window: obj.arar_age.get_values(attr, window or -1).max()), # (MIN_REGEX, lambda obj, data, window: obj.arar_age.get_values(attr, window or -1).min()), # (SLOPE_REGEX, lambda obj, data, window: obj.arar_age.get_slope(attr, window or -1)), # (DEFLECTION_REGEX, lambda obj, data, window: obj.get_deflection(attr, current=True)), # (RATIO_REGEX, None, ratio_wrapper), # (BETWEEN_REGEX, lambda obj, data, window: obj.arar_age.get_value(attr), between_wrapper)): # # if len(aa) == 2: # wrapper = default_wrapper # reg, func = aa # else: # reg, func, wrapper = aa # # found = reg.match(attr) # if found: # args = wrapper(attr, # if args: # teststr, tkey = args # # teststr, tkey = args # break # else: # teststr='asdf' # def _get_simple_key(self, teststr): # m = PARENTHESES_REGEX.findall(teststr) # if m: # key = m[0][1:-1] # else: # m = KEY_REGEX.findall(teststr) # if m: # k = m[0] # if k in ('not',): # k = m[1] # key = k # else: # key = self.attr # return key # def _check(self, arun, data): # obj = arun.arar_age # # attr = self.attr # # cc = self.teststr # invert = False # if cc.startswith('not '): # cc = cc[4:] # invert = True # # tkey = self._get_simple_key(cc) # # def default_wrapper(teststr, func, found): # teststr = '{}{}'.format(tkey, remove_attr(teststr)) # return func(), teststr, tkey # # def between_wrapper(teststr, func, between): # v = None # args =[1:-1].split(',') # key = args[0] # if '.' in key: # key = key.split('.')[0].strip() # v = self.get_modified_value(arun, key, key) # # v1, v2 = args[1:] # nc = '{}<={}<={}'.format(v1, key, v2) # # teststr = teststr.replace(between, nc) # if between.startswith('not '): # teststr = 'not {}'.format(teststr) # # if v is None: # v = func() # return v, teststr, key # # def ratio_wrapper(teststr, func, ratio): # v = obj.get_value(ratio) # key = 'ratio{}'.format(ratio.replace('/', '')) # teststr = '{}{}'.format(key, remove_attr(teststr)) # return v, teststr, key # # for aa in ((CP_REGEX, lambda: obj.get_current_intensity(attr)), # (BASELINECOR_REGEX, lambda: obj.get_baseline_corrected_value(attr)), # (BASELINE_REGEX, lambda: obj.get_baseline_value(attr)), # (ACTIVE_REGEX, lambda: not attr in data[0]), # (AVG_REGEX, lambda: obj.get_values(attr, self.window or -1).mean()), # (MAX_REGEX, lambda: obj.get_values(attr, self.window or -1).max()), # (MIN_REGEX, lambda: obj.get_values(attr, self.window or -1).min()), # (SLOPE_REGEX, lambda: obj.get_slope(attr, self.window or -1)), # (DEFLECTION_REGEX, lambda: arun.get_deflection(attr, current=True)), # (RATIO_REGEX, None, ratio_wrapper), # (BETWEEN_REGEX, lambda: obj.get_value(attr), between_wrapper)): # # if len(aa) == 2: # wrapper = default_wrapper # reg, func = aa # else: # reg, func, wrapper = aa # # found = reg.match(cc) # if found: # args = wrapper(cc, func, # if args: # v, teststr, tkey = args # break # else: # teststr = cc # try: # if self.window: # vs = obj.get_values(attr, self.window) # if not vs: # self.warning('Deactivating check. check attr invalid for use with window') # = False # return # v = ufloat(vs.mean(), vs.std()) # else: # v = obj.get_value(attr) # except Exception, e: # self.warning('Deactivating check. Check Exception "{}."'.format(e)) # = False # # if tkey == 'age': # atype = arun.spec.analysis_type # if not atype in AGE_TESTABLE: # msg = 'age conditional for {} not allowed'.format(atype) # self.unique_warning(msg) # return # # if v is not None: # vv = std_dev(v) if STD_REGEX.match(teststr) else nominal_value(v) # vv = self._map_value(vv) # self.value = vv # if invert: # teststr = 'not {}'.format(teststr) # # self.debug('testing {} (eval={}) key={} attr={} value={} mapped_value={}'.format(self.teststr, teststr, # tkey, self.attr, v, # vv)) # if eval(teststr, {tkey: vv}): # self.debug('condition {} is true'.format(teststr)) # self.message = 'attr={}, value= {} {} is True'.format(self.attr, vv, self.teststr) # return True